• At Eco lodge Itororo, we're fortunate to regularly host these charismatic birds. Observe as they move through the forest in small groups, their long tails and contrasting colors making them easy to spot among the greenery.

  • Nestled in the lush canopy of Brazil's Atlantic Forest, the Saffron Toucanet (Pteroglossus bailloni) is a sight to behold. This smaller member of the toucan family boasts a striking golden-yellow plumage that seems to capture the very essence of sunlight filtering through the leaves.

  • Locally known as “Tangaras,” a name derived from the Tupí word for ‘dancer,’ these vibrant birds live up to their name with their graceful movements and harmonious chirping as they traverse the trees.

  • The Petrocerus catiena butterfly is a remarkable species, endemic to the high altitudes of Rio de Janeiro’s Atlantic Forest.

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