Guided Tour

Golden Lion Tamarin & Rainforest Impressions

“The Golden Lion Tamarins (GLTs) are tiny endangered monkeys found only in the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Southeast Brazil. This Project protects these monkey species for generations to come.”

Golden Lion Tamarin

The visitation to the Golden Lion Tamarins needs to be planned and booked well ahead!

On your transfer from or to the Eco Lodge Itororó, you will have the possibility to stop and observe the Golden Lion Tamarin in its natural environment.

Located just 2 hours from Rio Airport or Rio City, the visitation times are early in the morning, when the Golden Lion Tamarin monkeys come closer to the ground. After 10AM they retreat to the higher tree canopies, making it very hard to spot them.

The endangered Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) is a small primate, native to the Atlantic rainforest, it is also known as the golden marmoset. The range for wild individuals is spread across very few places in south-eastern Brazil, with an estimated population of a little over 2,000 individuals left in the wild. This project to save the Golden Lion Tamarin monkey is extremely important and helps to protect this endangered species that can only be found living out-of-captivity in just eight municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and nowhere else in the world!

Itororo Activity Golden Lion Tamarin group

Day 1:

After the check-in enjoy the sorroundings and watch the bird action at the feeders on the lodges deck. After a typical brazilian meal we hike through the Orchid and Bromeliad Garden and get the first impressions of the Atlantic Rainforest. We’ll take a closer look at our environmental project (25 years old now) and the rainforest. This Eco-system is one of the five most important biological hotspots on Earth. It is believed that there are around 131 species of mammals and more than 800 species of birds in the Atlantic Rainforest. We see trees, ferns, bromeliads, orchids and much more. The perfect setting for nature travelers, photographers and birdwatchers !

Day 2: 

After a wonderful breakfast, with delicious tropical fruits and fresh juices, Brazilian coffee and much more, we start our hiking tour up to the Porcelet 5,5 Km away and an altitude difference of 250 meters. From the top we have a beautiful view from all the region’s mountains and hills. We can see part of the Três Picos State Park and much more. We’ll be back at the lodge by early afternoon. The afternoon is free to swim in our natural swimming pool, enjoy a natural massage in our waterfall or stroll through the gardens or the Atlantic Rainforest, just a few yards from the main building. After dinner you can enjoy a cozy fire pit at the deck and let the impressions and experiences sink in. Health and Fitness level of the participants should be normal.

Day 3:

Our five well marked and mapped trails on the grounds of Eco Lodge Itororó, offer you the possibility to explore nature on your own.  Enjoy a hike to our look-out point, or natural orchid and bromeliad garden in the forest, with its amazing tree ferns, our pond with many amphibians and many other options. Also enjoy observing birds and fauna at one of our hides or feeders. Where you can observe and photograph with some luck, tayras, spot billed toucanets, saffron toucanets, a wood quail, an oncilla, or sloth.

Day 4:

After breakfast you have some time to explore the Atlantic Rainforest and our trails on your own. Let the last impressions of this amazing environment sink in and then head back to Rio. This tour is not recommended for people with impaired mobility or who have serious health problems.


Other activities we offer

Hiking the Três Picos

3 Nights (Guided Hike)

Rainforest Impressions

2 Nights (No Guiding Needed)

Birdwatching Tours

3 to 8 Nights (Guided Tours)